N/AReleased on
Feb 14, 2017Updated
Feb 14, 2017Size
Octave v1.1.8.1 FullVersion
Varies with device
Octave APK it’s a point-and-click our game that released in october 2016 in steam. Indie developer,the game implements a rather dark gothic atmosphere that had me an edge almost instantly despite being a simple side-scroller exceeded and creating an easy ambience with exclusive music sign and most of all it’s impressive artworks. Its a one time pay premium Android game from Anate Studio and there is no IAP and Ads at all.
There are elements of action for you. this wouldn’t be complete like puzzles no puzzles and fault were a little challenging and did leave me scratching my head for a while but they were enjoyable and helped the game give the option to request hints for what you need to do next. however one thing I believe could have been handled a bit differently is the complete lack of story at the very beginning effects of the foundation for story that could have been explored but isn’t I was left wondering who is this character. why did this happen perhaps that was their intention to give you a little taste and leave the rest up to your imagination. all in all I spent a short of three hours playing yes it can’t be completed a lot faster especially if the puzzles are figured. so if this looks like you’re sort of game and yes i do recommend this and I give it a thumbs up.