N/AReleased on
Sep 13, 2017Updated
Sep 13, 2017Size
v1.0.10 FullVersion
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2107. Earth has been ravished by an asteroid approximately 50 years ago. Dimensional rifts spawned creatures that tore civilizations apart. Scientists harnessed the rifts powers to force open dimensional gateways. Dimension LG7 allows the harvest of Delirium – an almost unlimited power source with paranormal properties. Its full potential is unknown.
You are the overseer hired by El Corp., tasked with setting up and running a delirium mining base camp on Dimension LG7. As you wake from your landing, you discover that only a few of your crew remains, the rest are stranded in the wormhole’s chrono-distortion.
You must now recover the lost crew members, build up your defense and complete your mission.
Deliria features beautiful and haunting alien landscapes to discover. Mercenaries for hire as mysterious figures attack your base. High tech base defense technology to be upgraded to aid your efforts. You may even discover the enigmatic force driving the dimension’s hostile inhabitants.
You will be challenged on your resource management and decision making skills on a beautifully hand drawn sci-fi landscape. Discover horrifying implications from previous miners as you explore the lush swampy grounds, ravenous mountains, mesmerizing crystal formations and many more.
The dimension also holds deep dark destructive powers that you can claim for yourself, to ensure that you and your crew are able to survive the unrelenting onslaught of enemies.
Secure those walls, upgrade your weapons, lock and load your plasma rifle, and strap down for a haunting adventure of exploration, discover and base defense.
Main features:
– Simple gameplay mechanics
– 3 different mercenary classes
– 6 unique skills for each mercenary
– 6 different exploration zones
– 6 overpowered artefacts to collect
– Build up a high tech delirium mining base
– Upgrade towers and wall
– Over 100 data logs with intriguing story line
– Challenge your friends on the leaderboards for the longest nights survived